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How is the complication flag added or removed in the PeerWell application?

On the dark grey sidebar, there is a section called "Medical Info". At the bottom of that section, you'll find the subtitle, "Complications". While the patient is in PreHab, it will state "Rehab not started". Once the patient replies to our questions about having complications during surgery, the status under "Complications" will change to reflect their response.  

If a patient reported that they had complications, but are able to start their rehab program, the CM can change the response to "No", which then removes the restriction. Simply click on the pencil button and a window will pop up with a drop down selection to choose 'No'

They will see a disclaimer that they will have to agree to before confirming the change from "Yes" to "No". 

Click "Confirm Change" and you'll get a confirmation that it was changed and can close the window. 

This feature can also be applied in the reverse. If a TCM determines that the user should not be participating in their Rehab program, they can apply the restriction by switching the response from "No" to "Yes".

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